Shake Your Groove Thing!
By Lyne Pringle & Dr Marianne Schultz
In case you haven't heard participatory dance is the 'in' thing - everybody's doing it. From The Garden of Courtly Delights at the Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival to Wellington's CubaDupa Festival in early 2015 with its sublime Swan Dance Zone (planning is underway to repeat this marvellous event in 2016 in partnership with DANZ), to the New Zealand Festival's Le Grand Continental as the opening free event in 2016.
This latter project welcomed anybody with an interest in dance to audition.
So who's to say that a participatory event can't be excellent? Who's to say that pros can't rub shoulders with recreational dance aficionados to create something magical?
Read full article: Shake Your Groove Thing!
Read Dr Tania Kopytko's article on community dance: Creating the future of Dance?
Read Issue 40 article: Dance Keeps Growing