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Community Dance - Creating the Future of Dance?

Community Dance - Creating the Future of Dance?


Community Dance - Creating the Future of Dance?

By Dr. Tania Kopytko

Community dance or dance in the community - is there a difference? Community dance is it the new international trail blazer, or is it the poor cousin of professional performance dance or theatre? These are the knotty questions that face dance, not just here in Aotearoa, but which also interest dance people internationally. We have much to learn from this debate, because by delving into this we find ourselves having to question and understand the very essence of dance itself and its relevance to our lives in contemporary society, as human beings or as dance artists and teachers.

Read full article (Iss. 42): Community Dance - Creating the Future of Dance

Read Lyne Pringle and Dr. Mariannce Schultz's article on community dance: Shake Your Groove Thing!

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