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With Three Clicks Project


With Three Clicks

With Three Clicks began in 2012 as a research project and has now culminated in an advocacy and training resource. The resource can be borrowed for a negotiated fee and the materials can be used as an exhibition or prompt for a forum on arts and access issues.

Some of the actions for change are quite easy and inexpensive to achieve. The stories are accessible and show how a willingness to engage and ask questions can make all the difference to the lives of disabled people.


The With Three Clicks resource comprises the following:

  • Project description
  • A DVD of six digital stories (total running time 52 minutes)
  • Photographic material – a large  photo collage, large photos plus four smaller photos of each of the six participants, and an information panel on the project
  • Six albums containing photos, quotes from, and information about each of the six participants


In December 2010, DANZ launched the New Zealand Disability and Dance Strategy - Would You Like This Dance? at the International Day of Disabled People. The key recommendations of the strategy are visibility, connection, skill development and viability.

The With Three Clicks project, funded by the Ministry of Social Development, aimed to provide a unique insight, understanding and knowledge of disability through the stories of six people who experience disability/impairment and who dance. It addresses the issues identified in the strategy in an innovative and public way, by telling non-disabled people about disabled people’s lives and challenging them to more deeply explore their perceptions of dance for disabled people.

Six participants representing diversity in our culture and dance genre participated in the project. Each explored through digital photography, moments and insights from their lives as their interpretation of three topics -  I Do, I Move, I Feel. The digital stories, photos and albums that make up this resource are a summary of their stories.

An exhibition of the With Three Clicks material was held in June 2012. However, the long term aim is for the materials to be used as a tool to increase the visibility and knowledge of the lives and aspirations of disabled people.

With Three Clicks resources

Disabled people use dance as a lens into shared human experiences. The stories are accessible and show how a willingness to engage and ask questions can make all the difference to the lives of disabled people. 

Below are some of the featured stories in the Three Clicks Project. 

In this video, we show Regan who has been involved in school productions, the school band and performing in Dance Splash. His passion continues outside of school where he is a member of JDK Hip Hop dance crew. He also participates in Star Jam, percussion class, Polynesian Club, Kapa Haka and Korn Band.

Featured in this video is Lee Rutene. During Lee's life he has performed in a Kapa Haka group, and travelled the world with Paralympics winning medals. In the disability sector Lee believes in speaking up for those who can't speak for themselves. He continues to swim to keep fit and also does Zumba.

You can find the other stories here: 


With Three Clicks Project

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