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Taiaroa Royal Choreographing NZ Opera Show


Taiaroa Royal Choreographing NZ Opera 'La Cenerentola'

tairoyalTaiaroa Royal is excited to be working with NZ Opera again as choreographer on their season of 'La Cenerentola'.

 A co-produced work between NZ Opera and Opera Queensland, this version of 'La Cenerentola' was first performed in Australia. Since the choreography had already been set on the chorus of Opera Queensland, Taiaroa's job was to set it on two different choruses here for the NZ season; one in Auckland and one in Wellington. Although the choreography was already established Taiaroa was given the opportunity, by masterful director Lindy Hume, to "shoosh" it up a little. He was also asked to work with the principal performers and help give them specific movement phrases and gestures to help tell the story.

Taiaroa has a long standing relationship with NZ Opera, working as Assistant Director and Choreographer for 'Hohepa', 2012 and then Choreographer for 'Madame Butterfly', 2013. Taiaroa has also been a dancer in many of NZ Opera's previous seasons.

For season details see NZ Opera La Cenerentola

Taiaroa Royal Choreographing NZ Opera Show

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