Qi Huan - Giving 100%
By Francesca Horsley
Former Royal new Zealand Ballet principal dancer, Qi Huan, has taken his career into teaching at the New Zealand School of Dance,where his focus is teaching students technique, pas de deux and repertoire,
Huan, who started dancing at nine, admits that teaching is exhausting due to the different energy and style required compared to being a professional dancer. "The responsibility is bigger now. I used to just concentrate on myself to do things right, not to make mistakes and try to be the best. Now I have make the whole class of about 25 people do their best work. You have to pay attention to their each single movement and make them do the right thing. It is exhausting, but I am getting used to it."
Although teaching at NZSD is a full time commitment he has not quite hung up his dancing shoes. He takes a daily class and works hard to keep his fitness and body condition to be able to take on small dance projects in the future.
"I wouldn't mind enjoying a little bit of stage life rather than just cut off this career completely straight away."
Read the full article (Iss. 38) Qi Huan - Giving 100%