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Java Dance Theatre Launches THE METAMORPHOSIS TRAIL


DANZ is super excited to be supporting the launch and presentation of this experimental project from Java Dance Theatre, which highlights the connection/process between dancers and musicians in creating new works under difficult times.

As we navigate a world of fluctuating COVID-19 restrictions, artists are continuing to find innovative ways to work together and showcase their creativity.

Inspired by 101 duets during lockdown, Java Dance Theatre brings 26 dancers and musicians together in Wellington to experiment! After a little speed-dating and a jam or two the artists have found their matches. Each day we’ll introduce you to a group of match-made artists as we follow this live experiment and prepare for a combined performance work, The Metamorphosis Trail on Friday 11 September!   

The company’s artistic director Sacha Copland describes the combining of dancers and musicians as “a natural pairing, a conversation without words”.

Follow the journey online with DANZ from 4th to 11th September and dip your toe into a world of creative collisions, new beginnings and connections. Look out for daily instalments here on the DANZ Facebook Page as well our Instagram Account!

This project is also supported by Creative NZ and Wellington City Council.

#JavaDanceTheatre #DAotearoaNZ




Java Dance Theatre Launches THE METAMORPHOSIS TRAIL

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