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Farewell message from Tania Kopytko

Farewell message from Tania Kopytko


Farewell from DANZ Executive Director

Warmest greetings to you all as I write my last message to you as the Executive Director of DANZ.


It has been a truly great eleven years heading a wonderful organisation dedicated to New Zealand dance. I would like to sincerely thank all the DANZ staff over the years who have given so much and have been inspiring to work with – you have all contributed to a great team and kept me on my toes!

Thank you to the wonderful and dedicated magazine editors, writers and reviewers. The DANZ contractors, mentors, coaches and workshop presenters have always given more than asked and have genuinely cared about their clients and the industry.

Thank you to all the chairs of DANZ – Suzanne Snively, Robyn Cockburn, Graham Atkinson and the present chair Beverley Edlin, for your support and enthusiasm and to all board members for your contribution and work over the years.

DANZ has grown hugely over the years thanks to funders and partners such as Creative New Zealand the Ministry of Education (LEOTC), Foundation North (ASB CommunityTrust), Auckland and Wellington City Councils and the many Regional and Charitable trusts. We have made new friends and partners in the recreation and sport sectors and most of all we have created wider networks and friends in our diverse dance sector. It has been such a pleasure working with you all.

I wish DANZ well in all its future and strategic development and wish the industry and dance people success for the future. I look forward to being involved in new and different ways!

To dance is to live and to live is to dance.


Dr Tania Kopytko


On the eve of her departure, Lyne Pringle spoke to Tania. Read full interview here.


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