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Contracts and Tactics in Negotiating


Contracts and Tactics in Negotiating
Notes and presentation material from 'Tactics in Negotiating' seminar

With support from the Lion Foundation funding DANZ ran a nationwide seminar on Tactics in Negotiating led by Phil Darkins from Equity. This seminar, which ran in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, looked at negotiating tactics and also covered why the industry needs contracts. Contracts are essential because they ensure there is equity; the agreement is fair to all and everyone knows precisely what is expected of them; to determine mutual respect; to provide the rules of engagement; and to explain the process to be followed if things go wrong.

To organise contracts, dancers need to start using good and developed negotiating skills and this was the core of Phil's seminar.

Below are the notes and presentation material from the seminar.

DANZ urges dance people to begin using contracts as soon as you engage in dance projects. Contracts are not just about money, they cover the broader conditions of work. Please contact DANZ if you have any questions, or view more resources on the DANZ website. For more information go to the Equity website

Tactics for Negotiating seminar notes
Tactics for Negotiating seminar slides
Negotiation Gambits
Characteristics of Difficult People
Conflict and Dispute Resolution Quotes


Contracts and Tactics in Negotiating

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