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Call For Applications - Wellesley Studios Summer Choreographic Residency 2021


Wellesley Studios exists to make a real difference for the NZ performing arts sector. It is a space where artists can continue their training, connect, collaborate and create with others.

As part of its vision to provide support for the professional independent dance sector and supported by Dance Aotearoa New Zealand (DANZ), Wellesley Studios is pleased to call for expressions of interest for its Summer Residency 2021.

The 2021 Summer Residency is open to project based work of any performance medium and at any stage of development.

We will provide:

• Studio space and facilities over three weeks in early 2021 for one choreographer or collaborating group of artists.
• $4,500.00 financial contribution towards the Residency.
• A support letter should any further funding be sought in connection with this Residency or project.
• As part of DANZ’s support - choreographic mentoring/coaching tailored to need.
• An informal showing hosted by Wellesley Studios.

In return the successful applicant will be asked to share their experiences and processes. Wellesley Studios will host an informal showing at the culmination of the Residency to be held on Friday 5th February.

Summer Residency Dates 2021
18th January – 5th February
Studio Space will be available Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 5pm (Excluding 1st Feb- Auckland Anniversary Day)
113 Wellesley St West, Auckland

Applications close Friday 2nd October 2020 at midday.

Applicants will be notified of the panel’s decision no later than Friday 23rd October 2020.

We have timed the application process to give the successful applicant sufficient time should they  wish to apply for further funding via the November Creative New Zealand Arts Grant round.

To obtain information on the application process and requirements, or any further queries, please contact: or 09373 4336.


Call For Applications - Wellesley Studios Summer Choreographic Residency 2021

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