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9 Social Media Hacks with Anton Pulefale


Figuring out how to use Social Media as a creative or company owner can be quite tricky, like knowing when to post, trends, and other complicated technological stuff.

But don’t worry, I’m here to give you a few quick hacks to help present yourself or your business on Social Media… and possibly get more followers.

In this blog, I’m going to give 3 hacks for 3 social platforms. Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.


INSTAGRAM HACK #1: Profile Picture and Bio

This is your first impression so you wanna look good! Make sure to include the following:

  • First and last name
  • What you do (choreographer, dancer or acrobat)
  • Where you are located Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth, etc.
  • Ensure your photo fits within the dimensions of Instagram’s borders



This is like the cheese to your pizza… you kind of need it:

  • Use hashtags that range from 80k to 300k 
  • You’ll stay on the hashtag page for longer, which means more exposure from people who don’t follow you.
  • If you use a hashtag that has more than 300k, you will become irrelevant amongst all the other posts in that hashtag.
  • In other words, don’t use #dance


INSTAGRAM HACK #3: Posting times

This is an Instagram feature is only available for business or creators:

  • To access this tap on your insights, then the audience, scroll down, and then
  • you will see the best times to post.
  • This way it helps let you know when your followers are online and maximize your engagement on your post.
  • So don’t post at 3 am when it's your best time at 9 pm.


FACEBOOK HACK #1: Profile and cover photo

Just like Instagram, you want to make a good first impression:

  • To do this, use to create a free online account.
  • Create a cover photo using one of Canvas many templates to choose from
  • Select a dance photo and add text that states what your page is about, eg. choreographer, dancer, creative.
  • I recommend using a Headshot as a profile picture and minimizing the empty space.


FACEBOOK HACK #2: Invite all your Facebook friends

Do you have over one thousand friends, but none of them know you make cool work?

  • Invite all your friends on Facebook to like your artist page
  • To do this, go into your page likes and select invite all friends
  • You will be able to gain more followers and interact with your friends and family
  • All support counts!


FACEBOOK HACK #3: Share button

  • The share button helps engage with your followers.
  • For example, you could write “share this post and be in to win a free class, workshop, private lesson with a choreographer”
  • You can also add, “tag 2 friends in the comment section below to be in to win.”


YOUTUBE HACK #1: Feature video

Create a video that states what your page is about:

  • A feature video shows your potential audience what your page is about and what content you upload.
  • Do you upload concept videos, skits, challenges? Maybe a show-reel would go there?
  • You want to sell yourself as best as possible, so people want to subscribe to you.


YOUTUBE HACK #2: Attractive thumbnail

Make people want to click on your video with an eye-catching thumbnail!

  • Frame a photo or screenshot a cool moment in your video
  • Go to
  • Place a title that states what the video is about, song title, piece name, etc.
  • Add filters for the ultimate clickbait effect!


YOUTUBE HACK #3: Video description

In your video description make sure to include the following:

  • A description of your work and people involved
  • Emojis
  • Credit the music artist that you may be dancing to
  • Use hashtags which will appear above the title
  • Also links to your other social media accounts, where they can find you (Facebook, Instagram)


And that’s it, before you know it you're a social media superstar ready to take on the world!

Download the PDF: 9 Social Media Hacks with Anton Pulefale

9 Social Media Hacks with Anton Pulefale

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