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Workshop Enquiry Form

DANZ is the national service organisation for the dance industry in New Zealand, and gateway to the wider dance network.

The generous support from our funders and partners enables DANZ to deliver workshops/master classes and seminars/forums in Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch and Dunedin.

After five years of running 'Keeping Dance Moving' DANZ has developed a new look professional development and training programme. This programme provides dance professionals and enthusiasts opportunities to pursue their aspirations in dance and develop essential skills.

Emai or phone (04) 801 9885 if you are interested in discussing this further or complete the form below.

Workshop Enquiry

I wish to enrol for this workshop


Send payment to DANZ, PO Box 9885, Wellington 6141, NZ. DANZ is listed as a payee with most NZ banks. Email for our bank account details.

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