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Precious Memories

Precious Memories

By Suzanne Cowan

When Suzanne Cowan applied for the Caroline Plummer Community Dance Fellowship she wanted to delve into the world of the visually impaired... And so came her brainchild House of Memories. 

The show was an interactive performance where audiences were led through the rooms of an old 1920's Otago villa and experienced the memories and difficulties of the visually impaired through dance, film and music.

With the performers themselves being part of the visually impaired community House of Memories was a genuine and raw performance, captivating audiences with their stories, their memories, and their experiences.

It proved to be a moving and valuable showcase which was performed over two days with tickets selling out and people, sadly, being turned away at the door.  

With the success of House of Memories Suzanne's next project is to create a short film from the filmed footage of the show, complete with interviews which she hopes to bring to a wider audience and reflect on what the vision impaired community bring to the sighted community.

Read the full article (Iss. 21) Precious Memories


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