Our Organisation
Where we have come from
DANZ was established in 1993 to provide services to New Zealand dance. Funded originally by the Arts Council (now Creative NZ), DANZ's establishment came about through increasing calls for support from the dance sectors, in particular the struggling but developing contemporary dance companies and freelance artists wanting support with their career development and producing/touring.
Our first Executive Director, Sudha Rao, had the task of working with the different sectors. DANZ then encouraged the growth of further regional communities nationwide, to create an information and support infrastructure. DANZ provided local support and advocacy for dance and visiting companies by working with the three Regional Arts Councils.
Amanda Skoog followed as the Executive Director and established DANZ programmes in professional development and dance in education.
In 2000 Philip Tremewen became Executive Director, until late 2004 when Tania Kopytko joined DANZ. Philip developed the DANZ mentoring programme which expanded the professional development sector.
The establishment of an Auckland DANZ office in 2006 initially focused on professional development primarily to support contemporary dance but over the years it has extended its services to support the growing diversity and roles in New Zealand dance.
Download full DANZ Timeline
Download DANZ's Role as a Service Organisation for Dance
Now and the future
We work with partners to develop projects reflecting dance as a broad role in New Zealand including Pacific Dance NZ, ASB Community Trust, and YMCA. These partnerships have allowed us to build and strengthen dance in Aotearoa New Zealand.
2013 marked the twentieth anniversary of DANZ. We now have an office in Auckland as well as the original Wellington base. Through funding there is a part time dance coordinator in Dunedin and a developing relationship with MAP (Movement Art Practice), to support dance in Christchurch.