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DANZ Code of Professional Practice for NZ Dancers


DANZ Code of Professional Practice for New Zealand Dancers

It is important that professional dance practitioners are excellent role models for the industry. The professional dancer is ultimately responsible for their own health and well-being and professional practice. This code should be used as a guide for the dancer’s professional practice.

Professional Conduct

A dancer should

  • Behave with integrity in all professional relationships e.g. within rehearsals, public performances and in schools,
  • Behave with courtesy and consideration towards everyone they come in contact with while working professionally,
  • Uphold and enhance the standard and positive reputation of the profession,
  • Work in an open, encouraging and cooperative manner with the choreographer/director and fellow dance artists,
  • Respect and acknowledge gender considerations and difference, cultural diversity, ethnic origin, sexual orientation and beliefs,
  • Be punctual and demonstrate good self management. Attend all rehearsals and performances,
  • Work safely with dance artists and be aware of and considerate towards injuries, disabilities and/or physical limitations,
  • Have read, signed and negotiated all terms in a written contract before the first day of rehearsal, and to state clearly what they will and will not undertake,
  • Be aware of their rights as a worker, (see appendix 1 to 3)
  • Inform the choreographer/director of any outside projects that they intend to undertake and ensure that this complies with the negotiated contract,
  • Ensure that any outside activities or projects do not impede the choreographic process and the dancer’s ability to fully commit to the project,
  • Respect rehearsal and performance venues, be aware of security and follow any rules that apply to the use of the site.

Personal Well-being

A dancer should:

  • Stay fit and be physically, psychologically and emotionally prepared for upcoming professional contracts, and continue to maintain
  • health and sound well-being during contracts,
  • Understand the importance of and implement warm up/cool down before and after exercise,
  • Have adequate sleep and rest during the rehearsal and performance season,
  • Ensure that personal nutritional needs are understood and catered for -including proper hydration, snacks,
  • Be organised and prepared by having adequate protection e.g. knee pads, strapping, medical kit etc,
  • Dress appropriately for the style of dance and the situation (e.g. if performing in schools maintaining a professional appearance, remove watches and jewellery before rehearsal/performance),
  • Maintain personal hygiene (physical/oral) and wear clean clothing and footwear,
  • Ensure that the choreographer/director and fellow dance artists are aware of any injury that will affect their ability or will make the dancer vulnerable during the rehearsal process,
  • Give adequate notice to the choreographer of any sick or injury leave that is required,
  • Attend to injuries and seek qualified professional help if needed, (refer to DANZ Injury Management document by Susan Simpson) 

This Code of Professional Practice for dancers is complementary to the DANZ Choreographer/Director and Teacher Codes of Practice resources. DANZ recommends that dance professionals follow these Codes of Practice to ensure quality in the dance profession.

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DANZ Code of Professional Practice for NZ Dancers

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