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What we do

Helping to create dance

DANZ provides professional development and training for dancers, choreographers, managers and promoters. We provide mentoring programmes, coordinate national dance events and facilitate international visitor masterclasses and workshops. 

Supporting training and education in schools

DANZ provides and supports a variety of training such as DANZ workshops, forums and mentoring. Teachers are supported to provide dance in schools through our 

Encouraging participation

We wish to see dance in all its diversity, actively promoted across New Zealand as a healthy option for physical activity and fun, for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. With support from SPARC through a No Exceptions contract, in 2008-2010 DANZ conducted research into dance for people with disabilities and produced the New Zealand Disability and Dance Strategy - "Would You Like This Dance?"

Providing information and resources

We are the hub for dance information and resources including events, festivals, articles and news and make this available through our website, the DANZ Magazine, DANZ email news and NZ Dance News.

Promotion and advocacy

DANZ represents and advocates for the dance sector to central and local government, and other organisations. We conduct forums and networking opportunities for the dance community and provide a host of services to enable our members to conduct and promote their businesses to a wide New Zealand audience.


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