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Social Media + Other Channels

DANZ E-Newsletter 

With a growing subscriber base the monthly DANZ E-newsletter is an important channel of communication to keep the dance community updated on the latest news and events. We're always looking for content, so  if you have news or an exciting dance story please do not hesitate to contact us about being featured!  By posting jobs/opportunities and events on the DANZ website your listing may be included in the events section of the publication.  Please note this is not always a guarantee as we receive a large number listings every month! Subscribe to our E-News.


With regular posts about dance in New Zealand and around the world the DANZ Facebook page has a community of over 6000 and growing. If you have anything you would like to share with us and other dance enthusiasts, head along to our page and make a post. You can also contact us via Facebook messenger or email us the information you would like to share. Don't forget to like us and share with your friends!


Instagram is an undeniably popular means of keeping people up to date with what you're working on, as well as showing off any stunning dance shots you have. You can find us on Instagram and we invite people in the dance community to do insta-takeovers. That's right you can spend a day using our Instagram to promote yourself and your work! Contact if you would like to utilise our account. 

Giveaways & Special Offers

At DANZ we are always looking for ways to reward our members. Giveaways and special offers are a great way for companies/organisations, venues and other entities to promote their events, shows and/or products. We advertise these opportunities across our communication platforms which reaches a wide range of people across the country. Help us by offering deals and join in by entering the competitions!  

DANZ Networking

DANZ is always keen to hear what's new in your dance world! From time to time we host networking forums for industry members to network with others in the sector. 

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