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How can I Support NZ Dance Week?

There are many ways you can get involved and it's certainly not limited to what you see below! As NZ Dance Week (27 April - 5 May 2019) nears we will updating this page with more programme details and inspiration.


Develop an event for NZDW - run a workshop or masterclass, invite people to explore your studio/venue, have an open rehearsal, host a meet and greet or Q+A, create a new work (or re-stage an old one) for the public to see!

Already have an event organised? We are more than happy yo have you under the NZDW umbrella! Tell us about your existing event and we will include it in the NZDW register.

We all do our best to help you promote your events through our own channels and networks.


By being a part of NZ Dance Week you can request for DANZ to provide you with Dance Week fliers and posters to distribute around your community. Hang posters in your studios, drop fliers in cafes and libraries and at schools or use digital fliers on your social media. 


Make dance and NZDW visible by using #nzdw2018 in your social media endeavors. Promoting your dance event, posting dance images, videos or articles vis social media? Pop #nzdw2019 in your post and you've just shown your support for the annual event - easy!


Plan your own activity, whether or not it's a dance movie night with your friends or an epic flashmob on Cuba St! Feel free to let us know how you intend to celebrate NZDW in your own way and don't forget to use the hashtag.


The idea is simple. Show your NZDW support by filming yourself, your friends, family, co-workers or your pets doing a jig for as little as 30 seconds. You can go as big you like – whether you organise a flash-mob or do a little dance in your living room. It’s all good! Share the video on your social media platforms and use #nzdw2019. Alternatively you can send the footage to us and we’d be happy to share it!

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