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Dance Artists in Schools

Teaching in schools provides a great way for dance artists who are passionate about dance to pass on their skills and enthusiasm to others. Many primary and secondary schools are looking for dance teachers to educate their students in dance and this provides opportunities for dance professionals to practise their artistry with young people, gain teacher registration and earn a living.

Secondary school dance teachers need an undergraduate degree followed by a year's full-time study to gain a teaching qualification.

Click here for more information on available tertiary dance courses.


Teaching Dance in NZ Schools

 Education Council (formerly Teachers Council)

Anyone who is teaching students in New Zealand must be registered by the New Zealand Teachers Council and have a current practising certificate. It is important to note that being a registered dance teacher is not the same as being registered by the New Zealand Teachers Council. Registration with the Teachers Council indicates that a person is a qualified teacher (rather than a qualified dancer). Many dancers are highly qualified, with specialised knowledge and skills relating to the dance curriculum, but may not have completed the broad pedagogical study required to be registered with the Teachers Council.

The Teachers Council is responsible for determining who can be lawfully employed in a teaching position in the New Zealand general education system and for supporting the on-going development of the teaching profession.  

Limited Authority to Teach (LAT)

To teach any subject, including dance, in a New Zealand school you need to be either a registered teacher or (in special circumstances) be teaching under a Limited Authority to Teach.

If a school cannot find an appropriately qualified and registered teacher to teach a specialist subject or to teach in a specialist area, that school can apply for a limited authority to teach (LAT). LAT is granted to a school to fill a specialised position for a specific period of time (usually up to 12 months, but in some specific cases it could be up to three years).

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