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Stay True to Yourself

Stay True to Yourself


Stay True to Yourself 

By Sharu Delilkan


Maintaining their own identity is the key to IDentity Dance Crew's success. Despite five years of narrowly missing out on being picked to represent New Zealand at the HHI World Competition, the Auckland- based dance crew has maintained and refined their distinctive dance style. 

The crew's conviction in their ability has paid off in spades. Last year ( in their first time at Worlds) they bought home the silver medal in the Adult Division against teams from 40 countries, missing out on the gold medal by 00.002. 

Although IDentity Dance Crew has been the 'bridesmaid' for lots of years, one thing they have done really well, in addition to not giving up, is to not compromise their style. Many people in the hip hop community respect IDentity for keeping true to their style of dance even when it wasn't popular. 

IDentity has also used their influences and success to inspire young people to work hard to achieve their goals and dreams. They believe that performance can be more than just entertaining. It can also be a platform to encourage and connect with youth. 

Read full article  (Iss. 36) IDentity: Stay True To Yourself

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